Her Next Chapters
This podcast is for moms with an empty nest on the horizon who are reclaiming & redefining their identity outside of motherhood, which might include a job search. On this show we’ll have raw conversations about our ever-changing roles as moms, hear from women who restarted their careers, and share tactical tips for a successful job search after a career break.
Her Next Chapters
63. Why 'Awaken' Is My Word for 2025 (And How to Pick Yours)
Welcome to 2025!
Picking a word of the year can bring clarity and focus to who we want to become and what we want to accomplish in life. A carefully chosen word is a type of mental mentor — something to help us stay motivated as we move toward our goals. This year, I enlisted ChatGPT as a tool to find my guiding word, "awaken," which aligns perfectly with my aspirations for growth, impact, and purpose. Listen in to learn how I collaborated with ChatGPT (and how you can too!) to find my guiding word for 2025 and all its layers of meaning.
As we set our sights on 2025, I am thrilled to share new content, expand the podcast to YouTube, and invite more guests to the show. Thank you for being part of this incredible community!
Grab the Free Strengths-First Resume Template - it's perfect for anyone in career transitions, whether with a long career gap, a career pivot, or just ready for a change.
Want to chat about your career goals? Schedule a free call HERE.
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Hi and welcome to Her Next Chapter's podcast. I'm your host, Christina Kohl. I'm a mom of three and soon to be an empty nester. I'm also a certified HR pro who restarted my career after being a stay-at-home mom for over a decade. I created this podcast to connect with moms who have an empty nest on the horizon and are wanting to redefine their identity outside of motherhood, which might include a job search. On this show, we'll have raw conversations about our ever-changing roles as moms. We'll hear from women who restarted their careers and share tips for a job search after a career break. So if that's you, you're in the right place. Friend, let's get started. Happy New Year everyone.
Christina Kohl:2025 is here. That is so strange to say. I'm a child of the 1900s and for me to be welcoming you to 2025 just seems like this futuristic kind of number. Are we going to have flying cars anyway? Welcome to 2025 and beginning a new year. It always just seems like a fresh chapter, right, and a fresh start to something new, and it's a time to evaluate, like where we've been, where we're going.
Christina Kohl:And I know a lot of people you know, of course make resolutions and I'm not necessarily a resolution kind of person. I'm more of an intention kind of person. Um, you know, this is a time to kind of take an opportunity to reflect, knowing that February 10th is just as good of a day as January 1st, but there's something about flipping the calendar and having a fresh new calendar, that there's just something about this time that makes it feel, I guess, a natural opportunity to do it. So, yes, I'm curious to know what your goals and intentions are. And then the other thing and I know I talked about this last year is having a guiding word or a theme for the year. That helps me more than an actual resolution.
Christina Kohl:So last year my word was light and that meant so many different things to me. It meant being more visible, stepping into the light so that if I want to help people, they have to know I exist right and they have to hear from me, which is what this podcast is all about, which is kind of ironic because it's a podcast. I could be doing it in the dark right now because nobody there's no camera on me and that is one of my intentions also for 2025. All right, I'm saying it out loud, you guys will keep me accountable is actually making this a video recording as well, and posting it on YouTube. So I'll need to adjust the light in my, my little studio here, which is just my own office, so that I'll have better lighting, so that I can actually make these more interactive and put it out in the video in 2025. So not this one. I gave myself grace like I don't have to do this one with video, but that is an intention that I have for the year as well is to show up on video for these podcasts.
Christina Kohl:But, anyway, light has been my word for 2024 as a guiding word. And showing up on LinkedIn, engaging with people and just being more visible, because I can't help people if they don't know that I exist. So I have to come out of the shadows and be more public, which I've done. It was really uncomfortable at times. Doing LinkedIn lives, doing the masterclass, doing the three-day challenge, doing this podcast, hosting things and engaging in other people's comments. Just all of that is just a way of me showing up in the light, so that I can also be a light to other people, so that they can see what is possible for them by sharing my story, what I've been through, sharing the stories of my clients and sharing what is possible. So, anyway, that's been my word for 2024. And it is certainly well as in a constant reminders of it and when I, anytime I felt hesitant, like Nope, you got to step into the light. This is, this is a goal, and I've been kind of struggling with like what my theme, my intention word, should be for 2025. So here's something kind of radical maybe for some of you.
Christina Kohl:I asked chat GPT for help in figuring out my word for 2025. And I'm excited about it. So I'm going to tell you the process and because I use chat GPT on a regular basis and I use it just to clarify, I'm excited about it. So I'm going to tell you the process and because I use chat GPT I'm on the regular basis and I use it just to clarify. I'm using it as a tool, as a partner, if you will, and it's a collaborative effort. So I put in my ideas or my story and just kind of rough draft and I ask it to help me clarify things. I ask it to give me exactly that, a rough draft of whether it's a post or even for the podcast episodes. I'll ask it like here's what I want to talk about. Give me a rough outline and then, of course I customize it because I'm human and it's a machine. Sorry, chat DPT, but there are limitations and so I never take what it gives me at face value. And so I never take what it gives me at face value and I'm constantly reiterating iterating, I guess, is the right word changing and giving it input and refining what comes out. So anyway, that's my thing.
Christina Kohl:On AI, I know it can be controversial. Some people are like nope, I don't want to talk to that thing at all. But oh my gosh, you guys, it can be such an amazing tool. So what I did is I asked it. I'm just going to read here in front of me says help me identify a guiding word for 2025. I'll take your suggestions first, based on what you know of me. So here's what they came up and that was really pretty insightful.
Christina Kohl:So there's a list of seven words. I'm just going to kind of read these off. The first one is empower reflecting on your mission to help others, returning to the workforce and your own growth as a coach and entrepreneur. So you know I like that. You know the message of it, but empower just seems to be such an overused word these days, so I'm not going to use that one. Next one is momentum Acknowledge the progress you've made and the energy you'll carry forward to expand your impact. I like that one. Number three was elevate, signifying your intention to reach new heights, personally and professionally, while helping others do the same. I got to say I really like that one. And then number four is balance To maintain harmony between your growing business, family and self-care as you scale. And then number five impact A focus on making meaningful, lasting contributions to your community and audience. That's really interesting. Number six flourish Capturing the thriving phase of your life and career, building on your successes and ambitions. Flourish sounds kind of fun. And then, last one is number seven resilience honoring the strength and adaptability you've shown and helping others cultivate it.
Christina Kohl:Oh my gosh, how can this is pretty amazing to me that chat GPT, based on my interactions with it, was able to come up with these words. I didn't provide any other information or anything. This, this list of seven, was generated by by the ai, so I thought those were really good, but I wasn't ready to land on any of them. So what I did and this is kind of how the process works with the ai systems, if you're not familiar with it is to keep um, to keep pushing for more right, to drill down more. So what I did is I asked it to ask me clarifying questions, to identify a guiding word, and I thought that the questions that they asked were really that. They the questions that chat gpt came back with I thought were really good and I wanted to share them with you. And so there's let me see four, four categories.
Christina Kohl:So there's reflect on the past year, set your vision for 2025, personal values and growth and emotions and energy. And I'm just going to read these off to give you an idea for yourself. If you don't ever want to use ChatGPT, these are still incredible prompts for you to use as you're coming up with your, if you want to do a getting word or intention word for the year. So let's see the first one. In reflecting on the past year, what is one thing you're most proud of accomplishing in 2024? And then, what challenges did you overcome this year and how did they shape you? What lessons in 2024 do you want to carry into 2025? So these are, I think, really important questions to ask as we turn the calendar to or well, not even turning the calendar. We're getting a brand new calendar starting the new year, that these are great questions to ask.
Christina Kohl:And then setting your vision for 2025. What do you want to feel more of? What's one big goal you'd like to achieve? How do you want to show up for your family, community and yourself? Again, all great questions. And then personal values and growth. What's one value you want to embody in your life and work? Is there a skill, habit or mindset you're eager to cultivate or strengthen? And what's one word that resonates with the legacy you're building? And then, finally, emotions and energy. When you think of 2025, what colors, images or metaphors come to mind? What energizes or excites you about the possibilities for next year? And what's one word you love to hear others use to describe you a year from now?
Christina Kohl:So, if you are the type of person who likes to journal, I would encourage you to push pause or maybe listen to the whole thing, come back, but push pause on this. Go back to the beginning. I've just listed 12 questions. Go back to the beginning and just use those as journal prompts, and you don't have to come up with just one word answers. In fact, what I did is I typed all my answers into chat, gpt and you know, and I numbered them all and answered them all, and I couldn't answer them necessarily just one word even when it was asking me for I just kind of answered with what came to mind. And then it gave me a refined list of 12 different items. I'm not going to read through all of them.
Christina Kohl:What I did is I picked the ones that I liked the best and, for instance, I asked what are some other words for empowerment? Because, again, I feel like that word is overused these days, and so it gave me a list of 10 other words that I could use for empowerment. And then I did the same thing I like the word elevate, what are some other words for elevate? And it gave me a bunch of words that I could use for empowerment. And then I did the same thing I like the word elevate, what are some other words for elevate? And it gave me a bunch of words.
Christina Kohl:So I kept going having this conversation with chat GPT and writing down the ones, the words that really stuck out to me the most, and then I kept asking what are other words for for that you know? For example, what are other words for inspire? And it gave me words and I kept going. I don't know, lots of iterations of this and then I let it know, you know. So I had a multiple as I'm scrolling through this back and forth and back and forth with me and chat to BT, and this process probably took me, I don't know, 20 to 30 minutes and then I wound up with about four or five words on paper that I really that were really standing out to me, and the one that stood out to me the most was the word awaken, and I asked ChatGPT to expand on what the word awaken could mean in the context that I provided.
Christina Kohl:So don't just give me a definition of the word. I can work that out myself, but in the context of of me and my work, my personality and all the things, all the answers and this dialogue that is happening with with the ai over the last 20 minutes, what could it mean? That context? And you know spoiler awaken, I think it's going to be my word. I haven't 100% learned on it but, um, since I'm recording the podcast about it moments after, like you know, getting excited about it, I think it's going to be my word for 2025. So I'm going to share with you why this feels so impactful and I'm just going to read. I hate to just read to you, but it's. It's what's in front of me and I'm teaching about how to use chat, gpt, one of like a gazillion different uses for it. Okay, so here's the answer, which is my question about expand on what the word awaken could mean in the context I'm providing.
Christina Kohl:The word awaken, in the context of your aspirations and guiding vision for 2025, could carry multiple layers of meaning, all aligned with growth, impact and purpose. And, guys, that's what I'm looking for when I'm choosing a word for the year is multiple layers of meaning, all aligned with growth, impact and purpose. And, guys, that's what I'm looking for when I'm choosing a word for the year is multiple layers of meaning. So that's spot on for me. All right, so the category we've got personal growth and self-discovery Recognizing your potential, a deeper awareness of your own value, skills and a unique approach you bring to coaching and empowering others. And then awaking could represent living authentically, showing up as your true self, with confidence in your gifts and how they serve others, and reigniting passion, tapping into your energy, creativity and enthusiasm to push through challenges and achieve exponential growth. So that's the personal growth and self-discovery meaning of Awaken for me.
Christina Kohl:And then the next category is empowering others. So, with Awaken to help others see their value, guiding your clients to recognize their immense worth and potential, particularly in overcoming the self-doubt that often accompanies career changes. And then transforming perspectives, awakening a mindset shift in others where they see new possibilities for their careers and lives. Then, finally, awakening for empowering others is lighting the path, acting as a catalyst for clarity, direction and purpose in your client's journeys. Oh, my gosh, you guys. This all resonates with me so very much. I hope it does with you as well, because, again, I'm choosing this as my work.
Christina Kohl:And then there's two more categories professional impact. So awaken in this context is reaching new audiences, expanding your reach and influence, awakening more people to the transformative power of your coaching Didn't that sound awesome? And then building connection, creating synergy within your community, awakening shared goals, energy and momentum among those you serve. Oh, that really resonates with me. And then, finally, in this category, awaken represents inspiring action, awakening a sense of urgency and belief in your clients to take bold steps toward their goals. And then the last category is exponential growth. So awakening here is igniting a movement, awakening awareness on a larger scale, inspiring not just individuals but a collective shift among mid-career women looking to reclaim their purpose. Oh, my gosh, that speaks into my heart so, so clearly. And then next is tapping into untapped potential. Awakening means it represents discovering new opportunities and paths for both my business and my clients.
Christina Kohl:And then being fully present, awaking to the joy, connection and purpose in your own life and allowing you to leave with authenticity and energy. So authenticity was one of the words that came up for me, but I struggled with how to pronounce it, like just now, so like I can't have a word that I struggle to pronounce all year. Long's not gonna work, but I do like that word. And you guys so that's everything that is listed here that chat gpt help me. I want to give credit to where it's due there. Um, and as I was reading through all that, so many of the other words that were speaking to me earlier, like synergy, connection, purpose of authenticity, energy were all like words that I was kind of playing around with. But when I landed on awaken, I love that. All the things that are, you know, describing what awakening can mean are still pulling me in those other words that that had for me.
Christina Kohl:And then the summary from chat GPT says Awaken encapsulates, not just a spark of discovery, but the ongoing process of enlightenment, growth and transformative action for you, your business and those you serve. And then it asked me how does this expanded vision align with the energy you want to bring into 2025? And my answer which is funny because I haven't answered chat gpt, but my answer is because I'm right here recording a podcast about it yes, this expanded vision of the word awaken aligns with the energy I want to bring into 2025. So, anyway, that is my um, my teaching. I didn't mean to like quite have this be a lesson in chat gpt, but here it is. So if you want to know more about chat gpt, I mean let me know, like send me an email, because you guys I really do read them. Um, let me know if you want to hear more about this, because there are so many ways that I'm using this that it just kind of blows your mind. And again, it is a tool. It is not an end-all. Just like a calculator is a tool. I still know how to do math without having a calculator. I still know how to write without using ChatGPT. It's just another tool.
Christina Kohl:So, instead of doing a Google search and doing a ChatGPT search and I helped my client today. We identified about a dozen different organizations that'll be perfect for her career goals. And not only did we identify them, we have a listing of similar jobs that would fit for her and their websites to their career site. I mean, that was just from one little you know two or three little questions that I asked chat GPT to their career site. I mean, that was just from one little you know two or three little questions. And I asked ChatGPT to narrow that down. And there's organizations that we hadn't we never thought of without asking and it's not something just a Google search would have been able we might have gotten there. Eventually. We got there incredibly quickly because we're using ChatGPT as a partner. So, anyway, there was countless uses and I think I will be talking more about it as I'm just thinking and sharing out loud as I'm rambling here.
Christina Kohl:Anyway, awaken awaken is my word for 2025. I did not have that on the tip of my tongue or even in my mind an hour ago, or even whenever I started off to have to see if there's a time stamp, but anyway, I I'm excited about it, I feel awakened, um, just by talking about it and all of these things. So I'm going to be putting this out, the stuff I just read to you about the professional impact, exponential growth and all those things, and this is going to be my guiding word and theme for 2025. And you're going to hear me continue to talk about it. You know, not ad nauseum, but in a positive way. We are going to awaken what is within us and all of that potential is going to be brought to the surface, because we're not going to be sleeping anymore. It is time to wake up to our true potential and live our best lives. That goes for me and for you.
Christina Kohl:So if you give this a try, if you play around a little bit with chat GPT, with these type of prompts, in fact, I'll see if I can go back to the prompts so I can remind you of those. So what I started with was help me identify a guiding word for 2025. I'll take your suggestions first, based on what you know of me. So if you were using chat GPT for the very first time ever, that's not going to work right. You're going to have to give a little bit more information and kind of talk about what your goals are. But you know, talk about those other things, your intentions for the year, about what your goals are. But you know, talk about those other things, your intentions for the year, what your goals are, if you have career goals or personal goals, kind of talk about those. You have to feed the AI some information. It already kind of knows me because I've been interacting with it for a while now, but you know.
Christina Kohl:So help me identify a guiding word for 2025 and then provide information. Or you could just say so, help me identify a guiding word for 2025 and then provide information. Or you could just say um, so, help me identify a guiding word for 2025, ask me clarifying questions to help answer this, and then it's going to give you a list of questions, just like I asked it to do that for me. I said ask me questions, tell me, identify a guiding word, and it gave me 10 12 different questions, four different topics and then 12 questions, and I took the time to answer those, which helped it narrow down my guiding word more. And then, as I picked out words that you know, like, what are some other words for empowerment, what are other words for confidence, whatever it is, and so that was how I kind of kept going and then went from there. So give it a try and, if you do, let me know. I would love to hear from you. I'd love to know what you thought of the exercise. I would love to know your guiding word for 2025. All right, well, that's it.
Christina Kohl:Friends, I'm actually recording this before January 1st because I'm actually taking a couple weeks off. I haven't done that all year long. I'm actually taking a couple weeks off. I haven't done that all year long, so I'm taking a couple weeks off, so I'm recording this a little early, but it'll be published on January 1st. So, happy new year to you and thank you so much for being a part of this community. I really, really appreciate you and I'm looking forward to all the things to come in 2025.
Christina Kohl:And I'm looking forward to all the things to come in 2025. Just to like give you a preview, I've got, I think, a couple interviews already done. We're gonna be having more guests on the show, as what you're gonna be seeing and hearing more. We're gonna be seeing because I'm gonna go to YouTube as well. Another way of being awakened and in the light is being more visible and doing YouTube as well, and so you'll be able to see and listen to the podcast and you're going to be seeing more guests.
Christina Kohl:And if you have ideas for topics, please let me know. I want to make sure that I'm giving you information that is helpful and useful to you. And if you want to be a guest, reach out, let me know. I'm sure you have a wonderful, beautiful story to share that others can learn from. We all do. All right, well, all right. Now I'll say goodbye for real. Happy new year, enjoy the day and I will talk to you next week. All right, thanks, friends. Thank you so much for listening today. I hope this episode hit home for you and, if you haven't already, be sure to connect with me on LinkedIn and say hello so I can personally thank you for listening. Until next time, remember, your story is uniquely your own and your next chapters are ready to begin.