Her Next Chapters

72. 2 Years Out: What I Thought, What Really Happened, and What I’ve Learned

Christina Kohl

Big life changes always come with their fair share of surprises, and my leap from corporate to full-time coaching was no exception. As I hit the two-year mark, I’m taking a look back at what I thought would happen, what actually happened, and everything I’ve learned along the way. Spoiler: it hasn’t been a straight path!

In this episode, I’m sharing the real, behind-the-scenes journey—navigating unexpected family crises, figuring out entrepreneurship, and realizing that success isn’t just about business wins but also about personal growth. We’ll talk about:

  • The transferable skills from parenthood that help in any career shift.
  • The power of community and support—because going it alone is overrated.
  • Why you shouldn’t put off your dreams or wait for the “perfect time.”
  • How to move forward without regrets, because what we don’t do is often what we regret most.

If you’re in a season of change—whether it’s career, life, or something in between—this one’s for you. Tune in for insights and encouragement.

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Christina Kohl:

Hi and welcome to Her Next Chapter's podcast. I'm your host, Christina Kohl. I'm a mom of three and soon to be an empty nester. I'm also a certified HR pro who restarted my career after being a stay-at-home mom for over a decade. I created this podcast to connect with moms who have an empty nest on the horizon and are wanting to redefine their identity outside of motherhood, which might include a job search. On this show, we'll have raw conversations about our ever-changing roles as moms. We'll hear from women who restarted their careers and share tips for a job search after a career break. So if that's you, you're in the right place. Friend, let's get started. Hi everyone, and welcome to this week's episode of Her Next Chapters.

Christina Kohl:

I am recording this on March 3rd and it'll go live on March 5th, if you're listening in real time. And the reason that March 3rd is significant is that on March 3rd of 2023, so it's 3-3-2-3. I don't know if there's any symbolism or meaning in that date, but on March 3rd two years ago today was my last day working in my corporate job, which means it was the beginning of when I went all in on becoming a full-time career coach, and I just kind of wanted to take a minute or two just for myself to, one, recognize that milestone and two, to share some learnings with all of you. So my last day of corporate, it was an ending and a beginning, and there are so many times in our lives and that's why this podcast is called Her Next Chapters because as one chapter ends, that means another one is beginning. And so I just kind of wanted to, like, I don't know, ruminate on that for a little bit, but I want to share, too, what I thought was going to happen. When I walked out of corporate and jumped all in, jumped into the deep end of the pool to do coaching. What I thought was going to happen was all that energy and ambition and all those hours that I worked so hard for someone else. I thought I was just going to take all that and channel it into my business, but what actually happened was I needed to come up for air. I needed a little bit of a rest.

Christina Kohl:

I had been telling my manager, who would become a friend I'd been telling her for a couple years I felt like I was running a marathon, as if it was a sprint. There were, from the very beginning of that role. There's a lot of things I loved about it. The intensity, though, was more than what is normal Through an acquisition, through a software implementation, through staff turnover just a lot of different, really, really big projects were happening that I jumped in the deep end there, and it just never really let up. It was running that marathon as if it was a sprint for two years, and I was exhausted. So I was so grateful that you know and if you've listened to the podcast for a while you've heard the story of my husband and I supporting each other. He was on a long sabbatical of about a year and a half while I was working, and then we traded. I got to take the sabbatical and jump into the coaching, and in my mind, I had a coaching business waiting for me. In reality, because I had been so focused, all my energy was going towards my job. None of it had been going to the coaching for a couple, three years maybe. So, as much as I thought, oh, I've got a business, I just need to pick it up and get going again. Truly, I was starting at zero and life had another thing in store for me. So, march 3rd 2023, we bring you back there.

Christina Kohl:

What was actually going on, versus me starting my business up was in our household. We am not going to name names, but we had three car accidents within a six-week period, starting the second week of January. So two cars were impacted, three accidents, four insurance companies. Both the cars wound up being a total loss which, as you can guess, there's a lot of conversations. We've got some rental cars going but nobody can drive the rental cars because they're not old enough as far as the kids. So we had that negotiating and figuring out the settlements and then purchasing new vehicles. So there was a good long stretch of time where there were two vehicles in the household of five drivers.

Christina Kohl:

And this is what I started my sabbatical, my change leaving corporate put me right into the role of being Uber for the whole household and car broker. And then one of us had um, one of the family members had a new well, I was undiagnosed medical condition. That was pretty scary, to be honest. I won't go into details, but multiple emergency room visits, multiple specialists to navigate all of that. So that was the reality of what my first few months were like when I left corporate, and someone I was talking to earlier today was like, you know, a lot of people would have seen that as a sign that you made the wrong choice, that you you know the business wasn't the right thing For me. That never entered my mind. I was filled with gratitude that I had the flexibility and the time and the resource to be able to manage and navigate all of that. So that's how things started. So obviously, I didn't jump right into coaching immediately because I had to take care of my family first, and that's what I did, and I do that with so much gratitude. So things I did accomplish in 2023, aside from the purchase of three cars so the two replacement cars, and also my youngest he became an Eagle Scout. We told him that we would get him a car when that happened. So I did all the research on that and found him a great deal on a car as well. Also in 2023, I started networking, went to some conferences, joined a mastermind.

Christina Kohl:

I started this podcast. I didn't wait for it to be perfect. If you go back and listen to that first episode, it was not perfect. I'm sure I would cringe if I heard it now, but I asked for permission out loud, asked for permission from all of you listening that it's okay for this not to be perfect. And then you guys, this is. I'm about to drop episode 72 and I haven't skipped a week, other than I took off last Christmas time took a whole week off, but otherwise every single week I've been showing up and I have learned so much in this past year and it's important to look back on that and that's for you as well, whether you are working out of the home or in the home. Take stock.

Christina Kohl:

And just because it's not January 1st anymore doesn't mean we can't look at things in other milestones. For me, this milestone is oh my gosh, two years ago I left a six-figure salary to pursue my dream. I want to make sure that if you have a dream, I want to make sure that you take the time to pursue that dream. And it may not be quitting a job, it might be getting a job, it might be starting a business, it might be a hobby or maybe it's a relationship or a forgiveness that needs to happen. But so many times we hear over and over in life that regrets typically come from things we didn't do rather than things we did do. And I knew for me, without a doubt, I knew into my bones that if I didn't pursue this coaching full-time that I would regret it. I already was regretting it, so that is why I jumped in both feet in the deep end and I don't regret it at all that, having tried it and doing it and I'm succeeding at it.

Christina Kohl:

And, of course, your definition of success it's no one else's definition. It's what is success to you and for me, it's the clients that I've helped, the people that I've reached, how much growth I've seen in myself and you guys. When I have a call with a coaching client virtually every single call and it's funny I use the word virtually because they are virtual calls, but every call I wind up getting I'm just more virtually because they are virtual calls, but every call I wind up getting I'm just more in touch with myself and my body. I get these tingles that go down my arms and that when something significant that we're talking about either feedback they're giving or something that we've uncovered and I love it that is what I've learned about myself is how much I love coaching and I'm so grateful to be able to do it and I am still learning and growing.

Christina Kohl:

Some things that I've learned about myself in entrepreneurship that I wasn't really expecting is how much I like to be part of a team. That's probably what I miss the most from being in a corporate role is I'm in a bubble, I work by myself and I really do miss being part of a team and recognize how much I have a need for being part of community. And so, for me, I've done that in a couple of different mastermind groups that I'm in, where there are other solopreneurs who are growing their businesses, who are kind of at the same stage that I'm at, and that has been really helpful for me. So, for you, if you have a dream, whether it's, like I said, going back to work, pursuing a new hobby, or maybe you want to be an entrepreneur that is one of my biggest learnings is plugging into a community, so you don't have to do it alone, whether that's with a coach or with a group, but you don't have to do this stuff alone. That's with a coach or with a group, but you don't have to do this stuff alone.

Christina Kohl:

The other thing that I've learned about myself is without structure, I can kind of wander and get distracted. So that is one thing that this podcast does for me is every week, every Wednesday at 5 AM, this podcast is live. Perfect or not, most likely not, and that's the whole point. I'm showing up as my whole imperfect self. But that consistency is what has really helped provide structure around my week and around my outreach and that's been really fun to see for me personally, to see the growth. Hopefully, if you've been listening for a while, you've seen some growth in me too in that area.

Christina Kohl:

And the other thing I've learned about myself aside from the fact that how much I love coaching but my intuition is strong. My time as a parent has really fine-tuned this intuition that I've always kind of had. But as far as coaching, it has been my training ground. I don't realize it until now that I'm using it, but how much I've used it with my kids, that I'm not just prescribing and being controlling and telling them what to do, but being a guide and being supportive. Those are all things that I use within my coaching and I am sure you as well, if you're listening and you're a parent. There are skills If you take the time to think about it. And maybe, if you're into journaling, take a few minutes and journal like what skills have I learned or developed as a parent? Because I guarantee there is a lot when you take the time to think about it and to appreciate all that you have brought to your role as a mom.

Christina Kohl:

This podcast is meant for women, so I believe I'm speaking to women, but the expertise, the experience, the knowledge and confidence that you have gained in your role as a parent, that is powerful, that is meaningful, and you have the ability to use those skills in all kinds of ways. As your kids get older, those skills evolve and if you reach the age where my kids are, where they're all young adults some are still living here, but they're young adults and they're making their own choices, I am in a more of a consultant type of role as a parent, versus a I don't know controlling type of role when they're younger. And that's what I do as a coach. I consult right, so I guide, I offer suggestions, I offer accountability if it's asked for, and I offer my experience and expertise. But ultimately it's the clients who do the work who decide, just like it is for my kids. So anyway, there's a lot there that I just thought about transferable skills, because I know we talk about that a lot in the job search.

Christina Kohl:

The other thing I have learned so much about marketing and tech and sales and I have so much more to learn, and I tend to want to do everything myself. One, because I don't want to spend a lot of money for something that I feel like I should be able to do. But what I've come to learn is that sometimes it makes a lot of sense to pay for help. You get further, faster and instead of spinning my wheels, working in a silo, trying to figure it out, raising my hand and asking for help, even if I'm paying for it, it works. It is so powerful and that's been something actually it's feedback my husband has given to me several times over the years that I'm not good about asking for help. I just have this sense that I should be able to do it. I should be able to figure that out, I should be able to manage all this.

Christina Kohl:

And the reality is none of us are experts at everything. We were made to be part of community. That's how humans are built. We're not meant to do everything. We're made to be part of community. That's how humans are built. We're not meant to do everything. We're meant to be part of community. So reach out for help when you need it. It makes sense, right, and I've also learned that I'm resilient and resourceful, so this is not for the faint of heart, this entrepreneurship.

Christina Kohl:

There's a lot of ups and downs and I'm sure I know that's the true in jobs as well. It's definitely a different experience than I expected, but again, one that I have no regrets, and I'm really looking forward to growing even more and helping even more people, because I have I've made a difference in people's lives. I've helped people get jobs, I've helped them get higher pay, helped them change the trajectory of their life, and that is so, so rewarding. I love the flexibility of my job and I love, love, love supporting other women. So those are the things that I am celebrating on this two-year anniversary of me taking the leap, walking away from my job and jumping into this idea of coaching that I had started years ago and living it out.

Christina Kohl:

Is everything perfect? Nope, but are things good? Yes, absolutely, and I encourage you if you have a dream you've been holding onto, that you've been waiting for the right time. The right time never really comes Like, oh, one day I'll do that. Well, one day is today. Let's change that to be day one, and that's my encouragement to you is to figure out what it is you've been dreaming about, but putting off for the right circumstances. And I'm not telling you I'll go quit your job tomorrow, put in your notice. But I am wanting to encourage you to not have regrets.

Christina Kohl:

There's something I think it was Gretchen Rubin who said it. She's the author of the Happiness Project, as well as several other books, and she has a podcast. Anyway, gretchen Rubin said something to this effect that when you have a choice to make, choose the bigger life. Okay, because what I don't want for you or me is to wake up in a few years going gee, I wish I would have, and now I can't, whether it's for health or whatever other reason might be going on. You know, that's the fact. We are all getting older. None of us are promised a certain number of days. Our time here is limited.

Christina Kohl:

What I'm offering up in this podcast to you is live without regrets. I don't regret leaving my corporate job. What I miss are the friendships of coworkers, and so I'm replacing that in other ways. And one of the things I'm going to be looking at and you've noticed if you've been listening for a while I'm having a lot more guests on the podcast because I've been expanding my network and meeting a lot more people, and so I'm sharing that with all of you. So I hope you've enjoyed that, and I'm going to be trying to do more in-person events. So if you live in Colorado, in the Denver metro area, stay tuned. I have some ideas, but nothing ready to announce yet, because I do miss being in person with people. That is something that I'm looking forward to in 2025, as I begin my gosh. Tomorrow will be the first day of year three of not being in a corporate role anymore.

Christina Kohl:

Anyway, thank you all for being on this journey with me, and it would mean so much to me if you were to share this episode with a friend who you think might find the content here on Her Next Chapter is valuable. Share it with them, rate and review the show, because that is how people find us. We are amazingly it blows my mind. We've been listened to in over 20 countries and over 200 cities around the world, and I just I'm going to keep going. I'm loving doing this and am so excited to talk to you each week.

Christina Kohl:

All right, well, thank you so much for listening in, and that's it for this week. I will talk to you next time. Much for listening in, and that's it for this week. I will talk to you next time. Thank you so much for listening today. I hope this episode hit home for you and, if you haven't already, be sure to connect with me on LinkedIn and say hello so I can personally thank you for listening. Until next time, remember, your story is uniquely your own and your next chapters are ready to begin.